R E C - T E C

"when performance counts"


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Download secured by REC-TEC.

Download REC-TEC
Free Upgrade / Trial Copy - See Quick and Easy Instructions below

Our software has been used since 1984 by Law Enforcement, Military, Engineers, Physicists, and other professionals in the field of accident investigation and reconstruction with no complaints of any harm to computers or other peripheral equipment.  While you certainly should be cautious about downloading software from the internet, we have a perfect track record for doing no harm.

If  you see the message "Windows Smart Screen  protected your PC"  -  Click on "More info" or check the box "I understand the risk and want to run this app." depending on the message displayed, and then select "Run anyway" to continue the download.

In addition to the Evaluation copy of REC-TEC, we invite you to visit Inside REC-TEC, the Manual and Tutorial for the program, posted on our website for anyone to use.  It goes into detail covering just about all of the available options for every module in the program and contains hundreds of screen images.  Either option will let you explore the power of REC-TEC enabling you to decide if it will assist not only you but others, including the triers of fact, towards a better understanding of the physics governing the collision events.

Quick and Easy Instructions

Licensing Instructions 

If you have previously downloaded the program, it is suggested that you remove the RECTEC folder and start from scratch.  It is very strongly recommended that you place the RECTEC folder in C:\Program Files, thus creating the C:\Program Files\RECTEC folder.  This will eliminate confusion in the future.

If you are sent a Sentinel.rtx file, save it to the C:\Program Files\RECTEC folder then start REC-TEC.

If you are sent a Name, Password and Status Identifier, start REC-TEC

If you are renewing your Platinum Option, go to Setup > Reset Program License to bring up the Entry form for your Name, Password and Status Identifier. That information will be given to you or sent separately in an email if applicable.  

Each part of this information must be entered in the specified block exactly as they appear in the email or packet given to you.  Once REC-TEC accepts the information, your name or the name of your Department will be shown and the program will reset to REC-TEC Platinum.  If your name or your department is incorrect, contact us as soon as possible to correct the issue. 

After REC-TEC is up and running, Copy the RECTEC folder and Paste it to a USB Drive. You may also Paste it to other computers without the need to license it again.  Failure to make a backup of your License information will require purchasing an additional year of Platinum to receive new licensing information or a new file if the old copy is lost or the disk is reformatted.  

Follow these instructions carefully.  If you have any problems or questions about the installation, please call 321.271.6459.  Discovering what went wrong may be difficult over email unless you go into minute detail describing any messages that appeared.

To help you get started with the program, please visit the following two places on our website http://rec-tec.com/gettingstarted.htm and http://rec-tec.com/Inside_REC-TEC.htm.  

Microsoft Vista, Windows 7, 8, and 10


Helpful Tips


Windows Firewall


Go to: 


    Windows > Start > Control Panel > System & Security > Windows Firewall


Click on:


    Allow a Program or Feature through Windows Firewall


    Change Settings


    Allow Another Program


Browse to:


    C:\Program Files\RECTEC\RECTEC.exe




Call or Email if you have any questions or problems



Copyright © George M. Bonnett, JD

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Last edited on Wednesday, 1 January 2025 15:25:41 PM -0500