R E C - T E C

"when performance counts"


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R E C - T E C

The world’s most comprehensive accident reconstruction software program includes

Integrated Monte Carlo (Range) and Finite Difference (Error) Analysis


SMAC-RT  (Calspan SMAC with upgrades) * Drive3 * Time/Distance * Acceleration-Deceleration Factor * Acceleration * Deceleration (Swerve Comparison Option) * Multiple Surfaces (10) * Multiple Events (99) * Multiple Vehicles (2) * Motion Analysis (99 Phases) * Electronic Data Module (99) * V-TRAX (4-Vehicle) Animation * Collision Avoidance:  * Analysis, * Braking, * Passing, * Turning, Separation Distance and * Following * Angular Momentum * 360 Digital Momentum * 360 Linear Momentum: * Fragmented (4 for each vehicle) Vehicles * Spinout Trajectories * Vector Sum Analysis * Energy-Momentum Analysis * 360 LM Omni - PDOF Lite * Vector (EDR-Momentum) Integration * Vectors - EDR (360 & Inline Momentum * 2-Vehicle Crush5/Crash3 Damage Analysis with Balance of Forces computations – 20 (non-) equidistant "C" measurements – up to 3 Non-Linear zones per damage element, Pre and Post Impact Speeds of both vehicles using Crash3 Damage Analysis & Vector Integration * Stiffness Coefficients * Energy: * Break Fracture * Conservation * Reduced Mass * Kinetic * Fall/Vault * Optimum Angle * 3 Points on Arc * Pedestrian Vault * Vault-Slide Integration (minimum speed for throw distance) * Yaw/Critical Speed * Motorcycle Lean Angle * 2D Photogrammetry * AASHTO (RR) Sight Triangle * Rotation Factor * Speed from RPM * Weight Shift (3 Axis) * Triangle Solver * Quadratic Solver * Commercial Vehicles * S-CAM V Air/Air Disc Brake (48 Brakes) with automatic ABS and Matrix adjustments during the run * Rollover (Static & Dynamic) * Maximum Off Tracking * Weight & Balance * LoadCheck A & B (weight based on load for T/Trailer or Straight Truck/Bus) * Animation * Simulation * Graphics * Sensitivity Tables * Saves and Loads files * Imperial and/or Metric * Right or Left hand Coordinate Systems * Selectable Decimal Precision * Selectable word processors, CAD/drawing programs and Internet browsers * Free Web-based Integrated Training Manual and Tutorial (Inside REC-TEC) covering all aspects of the program * Built in Help Files  * Internet links to Government and Commercial sites * Free AutoStats Lite, Canadian Vehicle Specs plus Sisters & Clones * Free phone, email support, and program upgrades * Optimized for Windows (all versions). Seamless integration with Word/WordPad or Adobe Acrobat (PDF writer) for creating reports!

CDR data can be used to compute pre and post impact speeds using Vector (EDR-Momentum) sending that data to 360 LM for further analysis. The 360 LM  information can be sent directly to SMAC (Simulation) by clicking on a few buttons. 

The Time-Distance EDM module will use EDM or CDR speed information to analyze the data and plot the deceleration curves for the vehicles unavailable in any other program. 

Three new modules have been added for 2017 (see screen captures below):

  1. 360 LM Omni - 28 combinations of Speeds and Angles may be used as UNKNOWNS with Vector Triangulation Technology (VTT)  in Linear Momentum for maximum flexibility.  While other programs allow 6 combinations (Speeds Only), REC-TEC uses all 28 combinations (Angles and Speeds), making it the Ideal tool to use with EDR based reconstructions.

  2. School Bus Stop - displays a School Bus Stop graphically and numerically including Perception-Reaction Time and Distance, Braking Time and Distance, Clearance Distance, and Crosswalk Distance if applicable. The assumed bus length is also shown.

  3. Work Zone (MUTCD) - displays the various elements of the three basic types of Work Zones describing the elements and showing minimum recommended dimensions based on Speed and Width of Offset.

** REC-TEC When Performance Counts **  

Click for version comparison and links to detailed information on each module



Copyright © George M. Bonnett, JD

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Last edited on Wednesday, 1 January 2025 15:12:31 PM -0400